

The crucial representation of deep convection for the cyclogenesis of medicane Ianos

Pantillon, F., Davolio, S., Avolio, E., Calvo-Sancho, C., Carrió, D. S., Dafis, S., Flaounas, E., Gentile, E. S., Gonzalez-Aleman, J. J., Gray, S., Miglietta, M. M., Patlakas, P., Pytharoulis, I., Ricard, D., Ricchi, A., and Sanchez, C.: The crucial representation of deep convection for the cyclogenesis of medicane Ianos, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2024.

The connection between North Atlantic storm track regimes and eastern Mediterranean cyclonic activity

Sandler, D.; Saaroni, H.; Ziv, B.; Tamarin-Brodsky, T.; Harnik, N. The connection between North Atlantic storm track regimes and eastern Mediterranean cyclonic activity, Weather and Climate Dynamics, 5, 1103–1116,, 2024

Linking compound weather extremes to Mediterranean cyclones, fronts, and airstreams

Portal, A.; Raveh-Rubin, S.; Catto, J. L.; Givon, Y.; Martius, O. Linking compound weather extremes to Mediterranean cyclones, fronts, and airstreams. Weather and Climate Dynamics, 5, 1043–1060,, 2024.

A storm-relative climatology of compound hazards in Mediterranean cyclones

Rousseau-Rizzi, R.; Raveh-Rubin, S.; Catto, J.L.; Portal, A.; Givon, Y.; Martius, O. A storm-relative climatology of compound hazards in Mediterranean cyclones. Weather and Climate Dynamics, 5, 1079–1101,, 2024.

CyTRACK: An open-source and user-friendly python toolbox for detecting and tracking cyclones

Pérez-Alarćon, A.; Coll-Hidalgo, P.; Trigo, M.R.; Nieto, R.;Gimeno, L.  CyTRACK: An open-source and user-friendly python toolbox for detecting and tracking cyclones. Environmental Modelling & Software176, 106027., 2024

A new refinement of Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones characteristics

Gutiérrez-Fernández, J.; Miglietta, M. M.; González-Alemán, J. J.; Gaertner, M. AA new refinement of Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones characteristicsGeophysical Research Letters51, e2023GL106429., 2024

Process-based classification of Mediterranean cyclones using potential vorticity

Givon, Y.; Hess, O.; Flaounas, E.; Catto, J. L.; Sprenger, M.; Raveh-Rubin, S. Process-based classification of Mediterranean cyclones using potential vorticity, Weather and Climate Dynamics, 5, 133–162,, 2024.

Mediterranean cyclones in a changing climate: a review on their socio-economic impacts

Khodayar,S.; Kushta,J.; Catto,J.L.; Dafis,S.; Davolio,S.; Ferrarin, C.; Flaounas, E.; Groenemeijer,P.; Hatzaki, M.; Hochman, A.; Kotroni,V.; Landa,J.; Láng-Ritter,I.; Lazoglou, G.; Liberato, M.L.R.; Miglietta, M.M.; Papagiannaki,K.; Patlakas, P.; Stojanov,R.; Zittis, G. Mediterranean cyclones in a changing climate: a review on their socio-economic impacts, ESS Open Archive ., 2024.


Assimilating Aeolus Satellite Wind Data on a Regional Level: Application in a Mediterranean Cyclone Using the WRF Model

Stathopoulos, C.; Chaniotis, I.; Patlakas, P. Assimilating Aeolus Satellite Wind Data on a Regional Level: Application in a Mediterranean Cyclone Using the WRF Model. Atmosphere14, 1811.  , 2023

Helios and Juliette: Two falsely acclaimed medicanes?

D’Adderio L.P., Panegrossi G., Dafis S., Rysman J.F., Casella D., Sanò P., Fuccello A., Miglietta M.M.: Two falsely acclaimed medicanes? Atmospheric Research, 107179,ISSN 0169-8095, , 2023

The Downward Transport of Strong Wind by Convective Rolls in a Mediterranean Windstorm

Lfarh, W., Pantillon, F. & Chaboureau, J.P. The Downward Transport of Strong Wind by Convective Rolls in a Mediterranean Windstorm. Monthly Weather Review, 151, 2801–2817., 2023

How a warmer Mediterranean preconditions the upper-level environment for the development of Medicane Ianos

Sanchez, C., Gray, S., Volonte, A., Pantillon, F., Berthou, S. & Davolio, S. How a warmer Mediterranean preconditions the upper-level environment for the development of Medicane Ianos. EGU Sphere, Preprint (Nov 2023)., 2023

The contribution of a mesoscale cyclone and associated meteotsunami to the exceptional flood in Venice on November 12, 2019

Ferrarin, C., Orlić, M., Bajo, M., Davolio, S., Umgiesser, G. & Lionello, P. The contribution of a mesoscale cyclone and associated meteotsunami to the exceptional flood in Venice on November 12, 2019. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1–14., 2023

A composite approach to produce reference datasets for extratropical cyclone tracks: application to Mediterranean cyclones

Flaounas, E., Aragão, L., Bernini, L., Dafis, S., Doiteau, B., Flocas, H., Gray, S. L., Karwat, A., Kouroutzoglou, J., Lionello, P., Miglietta, M. M., Pantillon, F., Pasquero, C., Patlakas, P., Picornell, M. Á., Porcù, F., Priestley, M. D. K., Reale, M., Roberts, M. J., Saaroni, H., Sandler, D., Scoccimarro, E., Sprenger, M., and Ziv, B.: A composite approach to produce reference datasets for extratropical cyclone tracks: application to Mediterranean cyclones, Weather Clim. Dynam., 4, 639–661, , 2023. 

Assessing the coastal hazard of medicane Ianos through ensemble modelling

Ferrarin, C., F. Pantillon, S. Davolio, M. Bajo, M. M. Miglietta, E.
Avolio, D. S. Carrió, I. Pytharoulis, C. Sanchez, P. Patlakas, J. J.
González-Alemán, and E. Flaounas: Assessing the coastal hazard of medicane Ianos through ensemble modelling, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.,, 2023

Warm Core and Deep Convection in Medicanes: A Passive Microwave-Based Investigation

Panegrossi, G., D’Adderio, L.P., Dafis, S., Rysman, J.F., Casella, D., Dietrich, S., Sanò, P.: Warm Core and Deep Convection in Medicanes: A Passive Microwave-Based Investigation. Remote Sens.  15, 2838., 2023

Revisiting the atmospheric dynamics of the two century floods over north-eastern Italy

Sioni, F., Davolio, S., Grazzini, F., Giovannini, L.: Revisiting the
atmospheric dynamics of the two century floods over north-eastern Italy. Atmospheric Research, 286,106662,, 2023

A case study of impacts of an extreme weather system on the Mediterranean Sea circulation features: Medicane Apollo (2021)

Menna, M., Martellucci, R., Reale, M. et al. A case study of impacts of an extreme weather system on the Mediterranean Sea circulation features: Medicane Apollo (2021). Sci Rep 13, 3870., 2023


Dry air intrusions link Rossby wave breaking to large-scale dust storms in Northwest Africa: Four extreme cases

Fluck, E., & Raveh-Rubin, S.: Dry air intrusions link Rossby wave breaking to large-scale dust storms in Northwest Africa: Four extreme cases. Atmospheric Research, 106663., 2023

MedCyclones: Working together towards understanding Mediterranean cyclones

Hatzaki M., Flaounas E., Davolio S., Pantillon F., Patlakas P., Raveh-Rubin S., Hochman A., Kushta J., Khodayar S., Dafis S., Liberato M.L.R.: MedCyclones: Working together towards understanding Mediterranean cyclones. Bulletin of the American Meterological Society,, 2023

A high-impact meso-beta vortex in the Adriatic Sea

Miglietta M.M., Buscemi F., Dafis S.Alvise PapaAlessandro Tiesi, Conte D., Davolio S., Flaounas E., Levizzani V., Rotunno R.: A high-impact meso-beta vortex in the Adriatic Sea, Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society,, 2023

Persistent warm and dry extremes over the eastern Mediterranean during winter: The role of North Atlantic blocking and central Mediterranean cyclones

Berkovic, S. & Raveh-Rubin, S.: Persistent warm and dry extremes over the eastern Mediterranean during winter: The role of North Atlantic blocking and central Mediterranean cyclonesQuarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society148746), 2384– 2409. Available from:, 2022

Mediterranean cyclones: current knowledge and open questions on dynamics, prediction, climatology and impacts

Flaounas E, Davolio S, Raveh-Rubin S, Pantillon F, Miglietta M M, Gaertner M A, Hatzaki M, Homar V, Khodayar S, Korres G, Kotroni V, Kushta J, Reale M, and Ricard D: Mediterranean cyclones: current knowledge and open questions on dynamics, prediction, climatology and impacts, Weather Clim. Dynam., 3, 173–208,, 2022.

Sea Level Rise Impact on Compound Coastal River Flood Risk in Klaipėda City (Baltic Coast, Lithuania)

Čepienė E, Dailidytė L, Stonevičius E, Dailidienė I: Sea Level Rise Impact on Compound Coastal River Flood Risk in Klaipėda City (Baltic Coast, Lithuania). Water 14(3):414., 2022

Last Glacial Maximum Hydro-climate and Cyclone Characteristics in the Levant: A Regional Modelling Perspective

Ludwig P, Hochman A: Last Glacial Maximum Hydro-climate and Cyclone Characteristics in the Levant: A Regional Modelling Perspective.  Environmental Research Letters 17(1): 014053., 2022.


Storm Naming in the Eastern Mediterranean: Procedures, Events Review and Impact on the Citizens Risk Perception and Readiness

Kotroni V, Lagouvardos K, Bezes A, Dafis S, Galanaki E, Giannaros C, Giannaros T, Karagiannidis A, Koletsis I, Kopania T, Papagiannaki K, Papavasileiou G, Vafeiadis V, Vougioulas E: Storm Naming in the Eastern Mediterranean: Procedures, Events Review and Impact on the Citizens Risk Perception and Readiness. Atmosphere, 12(11):1537., 2021.

Future projections of Mediterranean cyclone characteristics using the Med-CORDEX ensemble of coupled regional climate system models

Reale M., Cabos W., Cavicchia L., Conte D., Coppola E., Flaounas E., Giorgi F., Gualdi S., Hochman A., Li L., Lionello P., Podrascanin Z., Salon S., Sanchez-Gomez E., Scoccimarro E., Sein D., Somot S.: Future projections of Mediterranean cyclone characteristics using the Med-CORDEX ensemble of coupled regional climate system models.  Climate Dynamics,, 2021.

Cyclonic activity in the Mediterranean region from a high-resolution perspective using ECMWF ERA5 dataset

Aragão, L., Porcù, F.: Cyclonic activity in the Mediterranean region from a high-resolution perspective using ECMWF ERA5 dataset.  Climate Dynamics,, 2021.

Ianos – A hurricane in the Mediterranean

Lagouvardos K., Karagiannidis, A., Dafis, S., Kalimeris, A., and Kotroni, V.: Ianos – A hurricane in the Mediterranean, Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 1–31,, 2021.

Local and large-scale controls of the exceptional Venice floods of November 2019 

Ferrarin, C., Bajo, M., Benetazzo, A., Cavalari, L., Chiggiato, J., Davison, S., Davolio, S., Lionello, P., Orlic, M. and Umgiesser, G.: Local and large-scale controls of the exceptional Venice floods of November 2019, Prog. Oceanogr., 197,, 2021.

Large-scale drivers of the mistral wind: link to Rossby wave life cycles and seasonal variability 

Givon, Y., Keller Jr., D., Silverman, V., Pennel, R., Drobinski, P., and Raveh-Rubin, S.: Large-scale drivers of the mistral wind: link to Rossby wave life cycles and seasonal variability, Weather Clim. Dynam., 2, 609–630,, 2021.


A process-based anatomy of Mediterranean cyclones: from baroclinic lows to tropical-like systems 

Flaounas, E., Gray, S. L., and Teubler, F.: A process-based anatomy of Mediterranean cyclones: from baroclinic lows to tropical-like systems, Weather Clim. Dynam., 2, 255–279,, 2021.

A ranking of concurrent precipitation and wind events for the Iberian Peninsula

Hénin, R., Ramos, A.M., Pinto, J.G., Liberato, M.L.R.: A ranking of concurrent precipitation and wind events for the Iberian Peninsula, Int J Climatol. 2021; 41(2): 1421-1437.

Role of moist and dry air advection in the development of Mediterranean tropical‐like cyclones (medicanes) 

Miglietta, MM, Carnevale, D, Levizzani, V, Rotunno, R.: Role of moist and dry air advection in the development of Mediterranean tropical‐like cyclones (medicanes). Q J R Meteorol Soc. 2021; 147: 876– 899.

The relationship between cyclonic weather regimes and seasonal Influenza over the eastern Mediterranean

Hochman A, Alpert P, Negev M, Abdeen Z, Mohsen Abdeen A, Pinto JG, Levine H.: The relationship between cyclonic weather regimes and seasonal Influenza over the eastern Mediterranean. Science of the Total Environment 750: 141686, 2021.

Wind and wave extremes associated with tropical‐like cyclones in the Mediterranean basin 

Patlakas, P, Stathopoulos, C, Tsalis, C, Kallos, G.: Wind and wave extremes associated with tropical‐like cyclones in the Mediterranean basin. Int J Climatol. 2021; 41 (Suppl. 1): E1623– E1644.


How an uncertain short-wave perturbation on the North Atlantic wave guide affects the forecast of an intense Mediterranean cyclone (Medicane Zorbas) 

Portmann, R., González-Alemán, J. J., Sprenger, M., and Wernli, H.: How an uncertain short-wave perturbation on the North Atlantic wave guide affects the forecast of an intense Mediterranean cyclone (Medicane Zorbas), Weather Clim. Dynam., 1, 597–615,, 2020.


Dynamics and predictability of cold spells over the Eastern Mediterranean

Hochman A, Scher S, Quinting J, Pinto JG, Messori G.: Dynamics and predictability of cold spells over the eastern Mediterranean. Climate Dynamics, 2020,

Cyclogenesis in the lee of the Alps: a review of theories

Buzzi, A., Davolio, S. & Fantini, M.: Cyclogenesis in the lee of the Alps: a review of theories. Bull. of Atmos. Sci.& Technol. 1, 433–457 (2020).

Insights into the convective evolution of Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones

Dafis, S., Claud, C., Kotroni, V., Lagouvardos, K., and Rysman, J.F.: Insights into the convective evolution of Mediterranean tropical-like cyclones, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 146: 4147– 4169,, 2020

A Closer Look at the Role of the Cyprus Low on Dust Events in the Negev Desert

Kalkstein, A. J., Rudich, Y., Raveh-Rubin, S., Kloog, I., & Novack, V. (2020). A Closer Look at the Role of the Cyprus Low on Dust Events in the Negev Desert. Atmosphere, 11(10), 1020.

The dynamics of cyclones in the twentyfirst century: The eastern Mediterranean as an example

Hochman A, Alpert P, Kunin P, Rostkier-Edelstein D, Harpaz T, Saaroni H, Messori G.: The dynamics of cyclones in the twentyfirst century: The eastern Mediterranean as an example. Climate Dynamics 54(1): 561-574, 2020.