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Online meeting organized by WG3 (Environmental and Socio-Economic impacts of Mediterranean cyclones) with several exciting research directions in this field on 10 March 2022, 09:30-12:00 CET.
The main purpose of the meeting was to hear about the latest work in the field by our expert community members and establish new links and initiatives in these research directions.
A meeting, organized by WG2 (understanding Mediterranean cyclones processes on climate scales) with new exciting research in this field, this meeting is dedicated to cyclones and climate modeling.
The purpose of the meeting is to hear about the latest work in the field by our expert community members and establish new links and initiatives in this research direction.
The online event was on 25 October, 10-12 CET.
Program and zoom link available here
The 1st Meeting on Mediterranean Cyclones and Aerosol jointly organized by the COST Actions CA19109 – MedCyclones “European network for Mediterranean cyclones in weather and climate” and CA16202 – inDust “International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products” was held in Castro Marina, close to Lecce, in south-eastern Italy, from 20 to 22 September, 2021. Participants attended in person and online using GoToMeeting.
The kick-off meeting of WG3 took place on 15 December 2020 with the attendance of many experts in research areas related to climatic, weather, water and socio-economic impacts of Mediterranean Cyclones. Dr. Stojanov talked about how we can investigate cyclones and migration flows in the Mediterranean based on experience from other regions of the globe that frequently deal with extreme weather challenges. Dr. Flaounas gave an overview of the multi-angled and complex cyclone-related impacts related to precipitation, winds, thunderstorms, dust and Mediterranean water cycle and ecosystems. Some historical lessons from studying weather and climate impacts of the Mediterranean cyclones were presented to the participants by prof. Pinhas Alpert. The meeting highlighted new horizons and research opportunities that can take place in the framework of MEDCYCLONES COST action, illustrating that the pursued knowledge and deeper understanding of processes and impact mechanisms can benefit affected societies in many aspects.
In its kickoff meeting on 10 December 2020, WG2 members met online to discuss the group objectives for understanding Mediterranean cyclone processes on the climate timescale. Short scientific talks were given by members, followed by lively discussions and new initiatives to set the WG2 wheels in action.
More than 70 participants met online on 9 December 2020 for the kick-off meeting of WG1 dedicated to Mediterranean cyclones at weather scales. After a general introduction to the MedCyclones COST Action by the committee, Marcello Miglietta presented a very insightful talk about Medicanes, Gert-Jan Steeneveld gave hints about how to conduct a model intercomparison, Philipp Zschenderlein and Manos Flaounas introduced initiatives about operational forecasts and cyclone tracking, respectively, before Rémy Meynadier explained the point of view of an insurance company. We hope this first meeting will inspire plenty of fruitful collaborations!