contact Yonatan Givon at yonatan.givon[at]
A list of dates when mistral wind prevailed in the Gulf of Lion for a climatological period.
The Mistral dates were derived from a coupled requirement of a surface low in the Gulf of Genoa (ERA-INTERIM) and northerly 10-m wind (+-45 degrees, > 2 m/s) in the Gulf of Lion (WRF-ORCHIDEE).
The index is given daily for the period of 1/9/1981-1/9/2016.
The data include also attribution to clusters (column 1), the dates are on column 2, and the estimated Mistral intensity appears in column 3, where intensity 1 corresponds to the relatively weak clusters 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, and intensity 2 corresponds to the more intense clusters, i.e., 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15.
Please find further details on the detection of mistral and attribution to clusters by the large-scale flow in:
Givon, Y., Keller Jr., D., Silverman, V., Pennel, R., Drobinski, P., and Raveh-Rubin, S.: Large-scale drivers of the mistral wind: link to Rossby wave life cycles and seasonal variability, Weather Clim. Dynam., 2, 609–630, 2021.
Med-CORDEX is an open club of Mediterranean climate model developers and users, science-driven, self-organised and based on voluntary efforts.
Med-CORDEX develops reference modelling frameworks to provide coordinated regional climate simulations for the study of the various components of the Mediterranean climate system (atmosphere, land, ocean, aerosols).
In its phase 2 (from 2016 onwards), the overarching goals of the Med-CORDEX initiative (rephrased from Ruti et al. 2016) are to:
Understand the past variability of the Mediterranean regional climate system and characterize its possible future evolution.
Investigate, understand and improve the description of regional climate phenomena with emphasis on phenomena of importance for climatic impacts.
Contribute to improve the characterization of the impacts of the Mediterranean climate variability and climate change.
To fullfill these goals, the phase 2 of Med-CORDEX is based on five modelling pillars:
*FPS: Flagship Pilot Study
For more information on the available models, simulation runs, time periods, data access and institute contact points, please refer to the Med-CORDEX website or contact the Med-CORDEX steering committee at medcordex-sc[at]